Croatian grammar

Feeling that the available materials on Croatian grammar in foreign languages are deficient, I got the idea to create a website where I try my own hand at supplying what's missing. The stuff that is available in English is usually aimed at learners, whereas my aim is purely technical, linguistic description (not that it can't help a learner, if I do my job well enough). Even worse, a lot of material that I've come across over time, even when done by serious linguists, has omissions and even gross mistakes. Admittedly, my own attempt will contain mistakes too, but at least I won't be paid for doing a bad job.


The very concept of "Croatian" language may be deemed problematic by many non-natives. Traditionally (across the 20th century, at least), this was considered to be a part of "Serbo-Croatian" language. Today, the views on the unity or disunity of the language, whether it is indeed "Serbo-Croatian" or just several different languages (Bosnian/Bosniak, Croatian, Montenegrin, Serbian) are determined mostly by one's nationality and general political views. I don't intend to pass any strict judgment in this area. As the languages are dialectally strongly connected, I will use any data and material that I find useful or relevant to any part of my description. The core and primary aim will be Croatian, including its non-standard elements that are omitted from standard Serbo-Croatian and Croatian grammars, and which are necessarily quite different from non-standard phenomena in the other three countries. I will describe those non-Croatian phenomena too whenever I feel like it, but I expect the overall result to be Croatian-focused. Either way, this page is not meant to be a methodologically rigid study, but merely a place to write about things that interest me regarding my native language and whatever related stuff catches my attention.


For a start, I'll compile a chronological bibliography of existing Croatian and BCMS grammar books, both native and foreign ones, with links to their digitally-available versions where legal (usually public domain, sometimes recent publications that have been put online by the publisher). A lot of crap is bound to end up on the list, of course.